Epralima – Escola Profissional do Alto Lima

Epralima is a Private, not-for-profit, cooperative organization, which focuses on vocational education and training, while offering Youth Education and Training Courses, Adult Education and Training Courses, and Specialized Level V Technology Courses.

Epralima has based its development strategy on preparing youths and adults for the exercise of qualified professions, by developing mechanisms that create closer ties between schools and economic institutions, as well as professional and cultural associations of the social tissue in the name of achieving an integrated human and entrepreneurial qualified training project which meets the integrated developmental needs at the regional and local levels.

The foundation of Epralima is based on the assumptions of its social project, which has established relationships with the community – particularly with the world of business and labour, coming together to consolidate a project devoted to the development of its region.

Main areas of expertise:

The foundation of Epralima is based on the history and assumptions of its social project, which has established relationships with the community – particularly with the world of business and labour, coming together to consolidate a project primarily devoted to the development of its region.

Epralima has been guiding its development according to the following strategies: Prepare youths and adults towards the exercise of a qualified profession; Develop mechanisms in which Epralima and the local economic, professional and cultural institutions and associations can create better relationships; Provide trainees with professional experience and contact with the labour market, preparing them for an adequate socio-economic insertion; Promote in conjunction with other local agents and institutions, the accomplishment of a training project for qualified human resources that responds to the developmental needs integrated in the country, particularly at the regional and local levels; Provide students with a general, scientific and technological training, solid enough to prepare them for the workforce and to later continue their studies, particularly through the following training modalities.


“Ctrl + Alt + EnterPrise – Self-employment for social inclusion of vulnerable people”
The general objective of the project is to contribute towards the improvement and modernization of policies, strategies and training measures aimed at the social and labour inclusion of disadvantaged people, through the creation of the following institutional, professional and territorial networks and resources:

  • To increase the capacity of VET and of the local services for employment and inclusion of disadvantaged persons into the workforce by providing self-employment training techniques.
  • To increase the probability of successful business ideas and the number of self-employment opportunities offered to disadvantaged persons to become self-employment offered to disadvantaged persons

“Do not Waste Your Future”
Young people with low qualifications due to early school leaving are the most affected by unemployment and those most likely to be dependent on social benefits and consequently run a greater risk of social exclusion.

Throughout their lives, this factor affects their income, health and well-being, in addition to the tendency of having a weak participation in political life. The main aim of the project (Do not Waste Your Future) is to identify groups at risk of dropping out of school, to look for the dropout causes, and to create prevention strategies, as well as to develop intervention strategies to reduce the dropout ratio in each participating institution.

ContactS | info@epralima.pt  |  www.epralima.com
Contact Person | Sandra Veloso – sandraveloso@epralima.pt

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